Teaching at Kids Club about our good God

4Cuando oí estas palabras me senté y lloré, e hice duelo por algunos días, y ayuné y oré delante del Dios de los cielos.
5 Y dije: Te ruego, oh Jehová, Dios de los cielos, fuerte, grande y temible, que guarda el pacto y la misericordia a los que le aman y guardan sus mandamientos;
6 esté ahora atento tu oído y abiertos tus ojos para oír la oración de tu siervo, que hago ahora delante de ti día y noche, por los hijos de Israel tus siervos; y confieso los pecados de los hijos de Israel que hemos cometido contra ti; sí, yo y la casa de mi padre hemos pecado.
7 En extremo nos hemos corrompido contra ti, y no hemos guardado los mandamientos, estatutos y preceptos que diste a Moisés tu siervo.
8 Acuérdate ahora de la palabra que diste a Moisés tu siervo, diciendo: Si vosotros pecareis, yo os dispersaré por los pueblos;
9 pero si os volviereis a mí, y guardareis mis mandamientos, y los pusiereis por obra, aunque vuestra dispersión fuere hasta el extremo de los cielos, de allí os recogeré, y os traeré al lugar que escogí para hacer habitar allí mi nombre.
10 Ellos, pues, son tus siervos y tu pueblo, los cuales redimiste con tu gran poder, y con tu mano poderosa.
11 Te ruego, oh Jehová, esté ahora atento tu oído a la oración de tu siervo, y a la oración de tus siervos, quienes desean reverenciar tu nombre; concede ahora buen éxito a tu siervo, y dale gracia delante de aquel varón. Porque yo servía de copero al rey.
                              Nehemiah 1:4-11

This is a big one.... but it's the one I'm teaching to the older girls at kids club this week. The first thing that calls my attention is how it says " O Lord God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments." I am so used to a merciful and graceful God. I am so used to the fact that someone already sacrificed Himself for every single sin I've committed and will commit so that I don't have to sacrifice anything or myself even. But it wasn't always like that. 
God has always been a good God, but I often forget that before, I had to go through a bunch of stuff to be cleansed and be able to be in His presence, and rightfully so. God is HOLY, so it is just not possible for us to have communion with Him and enter His presence if we are not free of sin ourselves. Well, before Jesus Christ came and rescued us we had to keep certain commandments, and if we didn't we had to pay the price, which is death. Not necessarily our death... that's why they used to sacrifice animals, because by their death and their blood the sinners sin was covered, but only for a certain amount of time, because we are humans and we are quick to fall and sin again, so we need to sacrifice more and more. That was until God sent His son who HOLY to be sacrificed so that His blood could cover all of our sins forever if we believe it does, because His blood is powerful enough. 
So even though Nehemiah was praying to the same good God I pray to, He still had to deal with cleaning himself from sin, He didn't have someone that already did it for him like I do.  

That's what I want to share. I want to remind myself the beauty of the Gospel, cause I sometimes forget. 


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